Real estate photography service packages

View our real estate photography and videography service packages. Please note the scope of the work varies with each booking and may be discussed to align with needs of your project.

Essential package $199

Premium package $349

Luxury package

Minimum 8 professionally edited high-resolution photographs
Minimum 10 professionally edited high-resolution photographs
Minimum 20 professionally edited high-resolution photographs and RAW files included
Standard color correction and enhancement
Advanced color correction and enhancement
Premium colour correction, and includes AI enchancement
48-72 hour turnaround time
Same-day turnaround and dedicated editing revision round available
Includes everything in the previous package
Basic Interior and exterior photographs
Interior and Exterior photographs including a twilight/sunset exterior shot
2 aerial drone photographs and a 20-second cinematic exterior property video tour with aerial footage
Online gallery with downloadable links
Online gallery with downloadable links
Includes a detailed and accurate floor plan
Commercial usage rights for real estate listings
Full commercial usage rights
20-second professional interior property video tour